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Why do Brits Love to Talk About the Weather?

Date posted: 2nd September 2020 in Branding Advice

Last updated: 28th February 2022

Umbrella weather is coming...

Welcome to September! The last quarter of the year has arrived, which means Summer is coming to an end and Autumn is just beginning. When the seasons change so does the weather and as we know, British weather can be very unpredictable. However, when you have your own branded umbrellas, you can always rely on them to keep you covered.

Did you know?

  • More than nine out of 10 brits have talked about the weather in the last six hours.
  • British people will spend more than 4 months of their lives talking about the weather.

Brits love to talk about the weather and it is one of the biggest conversation starters, hence why we have so many catchphrases that describe the weather. It is very common for people when they first meet to talk about the weather, as it is always changing and makes a safe topic to talk about.

Common British weather catchphrases

  • It’s chucking it down
  • It's a bit nippy out
  • It’s howling out there
  • It’s raining cats and dogs
  • It’s a bit chilly
  • You’ll get soaked

Umbrella season is closer than you think

The unpredictable British weather can mean it's beautiful one day and pouring it down the next. Here at EverythingBranded, we specialise in branded umbrellas! We have a wide range of customisable umbrellas that can be branded with your logo and details. Not only are these umbrellas very attractive and high quality, but are also great to have ready for the Autumn weather.

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