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How to make your New Year's resolution stick

Date posted: 9th January 2019 in Sports & Fitness

Last updated: 29th April 2024

January always brings about a time for people to plan ahead for the New Year and think of ways to improve elements of their lives. However, many of us find it incredibly difficult to stick to a New Year's Resolution, so we're looking at a few ways you could improve your chances.

One at a time...

Are you committing to going to the gym more? Reading more? Or trying to be more organised? If there are a number of areas that you would like to work on, don't go diving in at the deep end. Take it one step at a time towards changing a number of habits. Just as an unhealthy habit can be picked up over time, so can a healthy one, meaning there is no quick fix.

Don't be hard on yourself!

Some of the changes that people endeavour to achieve are difficult and may not run as smoothly as we would like. A common misconception about resolutions is that as soon as you have a misstep, you've failed. This is not the case. You're always going to experience some missteps on the way to reaching your goal and that's OK. If you cave and have a slice of the office birthday cake, your diet isn't over, you can pick it up again.

Share with others

If you're committing to a New Year's resolution, it's much easier to stick to it if you share the experience with the people around you, especially if they're doing it too! Sharing your achievements or struggles will make a healthier lifestyle much easier to adopt. If you're in an office environment and there's a number of you with the same or similar goal for the New Year, like quitting smoking, do it together and motivate each other. You could even find yourself an office gym buddy and set up times around your work schedule to make an effort to go and work out.

Branded fitness products

Businesses can help to encourage New Year's resolutions to keep fit with branded fitness products! EverythingBranded offer a range of promotional fitness products that can help inspire your employees to hit the gym and promote your brand. 

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