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Why Should Promotional Products Be Part Of Your Marketing Plan?

Date posted: 9th October 2018 in Branding Advice

Last updated: 11th March 2022

A recent survey completed by The British Promotional Merchandise Association found that promotional products establish a bond between consumers and a brand. Promotional products are a powerful way of not only getting your business into the minds of your potential customers but more importantly, keeping it there!

Here are some facts why you should be incorporating branded products into your marketing plan:

  • 94% of us can still recall the name and industry of a business that gifted us a promotional product, even after the six-month mark.
  • Consumers were three times more likely to return as paying customers out of loyalty when gifted promo products rather than through over advertising mediums like web, print, TV or mail.
  • 52% of consumers said their impression of a company is more positive after receiving a promotional product from them.
  • Up to 50% of consumers interact with their promotional products daily.

Internal Marketing A good company starts with good staff. Promotional merchandise distributed to employees creates a happy office atmosphere with employees feeling valued, acknowledged, and enthusiastic about their employers. People who feel valued in their workplace are far more likely to understand the company’s goals and vision, and therefore more likely to share that enthusiasm with customers. This makes internal marketing an important part of external branding and marketing efforts. A customers’ attitude towards a company is not just based on the product/services it provides, but the overall experience they have with the company. Investing in promotional products is a cost-effective marking tool, why spend big bucks on formal, sale-motivated brochures that are most likely going to get binned. Try handing out promotional products instead of as a creative way to showcase your contact information.

Strengthen your brand perception with promotional products

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